Brokers : Enter iNavis WEB


The Enterprise version provides a powerful CRM, for the Management of Customers in the Nautical sector, which prepares the Company to easily undertake Dynamic Marketing actions.

See Brokerage Intelligence

Organizational opportunities to improve the customer relationships management

Electronic Mail and managerial are two independent and autonomous applications that can be integrated (put in communication), to obtain organizational benefits, otherwise unthinkable, designed to boost the productive activities of employees for marketing purposes. The professional Google feature usage (Google For Work) or Microsoft (Office 365) further enhance the synergy between the two applications.

Customer Folder: The CRM of makes available, for each registered subject (Customer, Supplier, etc.), a Folder in which all the incoming and outgoing emails automatically and chronologically flow. The Client Folder provides a complete view of all communications and events that have affected a particular Subject; the mails are acquired automatically, in this regard it is necessary to authorize Navis2 to observe the inbox (s) of the incoming mail. Each person of the Organization authorized to use CRM is able to see and therefore be informed of the relationships between a Customer and the Organization, also regarding the communications exchanged with other colleagues of the Organization. In case of need, it is however possible to restrict access to Customer Folders.

Mail Summary: The Enterprise version allows you to have a unified and concise view of ALL the correspondence in the Organization's Electronic Mail with reference to the Incoming, Sent and Outgoing Mail.

CRM selection: you can highlight, within the Organization, some Subjects surveyed on which they are undertaking promotional activities or sales activities. Subject to every highlight is associated with the last communication exchanged and can be associated with the next action to take.

Management of Information Requests from Announcements Portals: Navis2 Enterprise version, authorized by the Broker, automatically intercepts all requests for information in order to :

Address book sync: the age profile of Subjects surveyed in CRM (Name/Company name, phone, email addresses, notes, etc.) It can be synchronized with Address Book for Smartphone; by surveying/updating a Subject in, it is automatically updated in the address book of the mobile phone and vice versa mailer: in addition to the functionality of the Folder, the Enterprise version itself provides the ability to send mail. This tool, together with the possibility of selecting, as recipients, Census subjects who have a certain profile (e.g. interests on particular types of boats and / or spending capacity), allows you to make promotional campaigns and send newsletters. Texts and images that make up a Letter can be composed and archived as a Template.

Complete sync: the combination of e Google/Office365, in addition to ensuring that all mail received is acknowledged by Folder of, has the effect that even the mail forwarded through appear in the Post forwarded the phone, Outlook and other operators of electronic mail.

In short: The Enterprise version consolidates the organization and improves sales performance

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